> [!kanban]+ [[Obsidian TTRPG Tutorials]] / [[Templates]] / [[Basic World Building Templates]] > - [[Getting Started]] > - ![[Pasted image 20230527003751.jpg|hsmall+wsmall+center]] > - [[Plugin Tutorials]] > - ![[Pasted image 20230527184201.jpg|hsmall+wsmall+center]] > - [[Community Supported Games]] > - ![[Pasted image 20230527001506.jpg|hsmall+wsmall+center]] > - [[Obsidian TTRPG Tutorials/Templates/Templates\|Templates]] > - ![[Pasted image 20230530220438.jpg|hsmall+wsmall+center]] > - [[Community and Support]] > - ![[Pasted image 20230527005303.jpg|hsmall+wsmall+center]] These are simple World Building Note Templates. You can copy and paste the content of these templates straight into a new note within Obsidian. Because drop-down boxes are not easy to achieve in Obsidian.md there is instead a list of choices in some templates. It's designed so that you can delete the text you don't want, leaving the choice you do want. # World Building Templates Templates designed to describe the various elements that bring life to your world. | Events | Groups | Other | Sources | Things | | ------ | ------ | ----- | ------- | ------ | | [[Template - Incident]]<br>[[Template - Quest]]<br>[[Template - Scene]]<br>[[Template - Storyline]]<br>[[Template - Time Period]] | [[Template - Group List]]<br>[[Template - Group_ Commerce]]<br>[[Template - Group_ Criminal]]<br>[[Template - Group_ Ethnic]]<br>[[Template - Group_ Family]]<br>[[Template - Group_ Government]]<br>[[Template - Group_ Military]]<br>[[Template - Group_ Other]]<br>[[Template - Group_ Religious]] | [[Template - Campaign Planner]]<br>[[Template - Concept]]<br>[[Template - Plot Idea]]<br>[[Template - Prep Journal]]<br>[[Template - Session Journal]] |[[Template - GM Synopsis]]<br>[[Template - Player Synopsis]]<br>[[Template - Story Source]] | [[Template - Named Equipment]]<br>[[Template - Named Object]]<br>[[Template - Named Vehicle]] | # Mechanical Templates Templates designed to document the various mechanical or rule based elements that exist in your world. | Abilities | Dangers | Equipment | | --------- | ------- | --------- | | [[Template - Feat]] <br>[[Template - Skill]] | [[Template - Creature]]<br>[[Template - Disease]]<br>[[Template - Hazard]]<br>[[Template - Poison]]<br>[[Template - Trap]] | [[Template - General Equipment Article]]<br>[[Template - Mundane Armor_Shield]]<br>[[Template - Mundane Item]]<br>[[Template - Mundane Weapon]]<br>[[Template - Vehicle]] |