> [!column|flex no-title] >> [!menu-dark-red|ttl-c] [[Obsidian TTRPG Tutorials]] / [[Plugin Tutorials]] / [[Initiative Tracker]] > [!column|4 no-title] >> [!menu-green-1|ttl-c] [[Getting Started]] > >> [!menu-green-2|ttl-c] [[Plugin Tutorials]] > >> [!menu-green-3|ttl-c] [[Community Supported Games]] > >> [!menu-green-4|ttl-c] [[Obsidian TTRPG Tutorials/Templates/Templates\|Templates]] > [!column|3 no-title] >> [!patreon|ttl-c] [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/JPlunkett) ([Starter Vault](https://www.patreon.com/posts/obsidian-patreon-96801399)) > >> [!discord|ttl-c] [Obsidian TTRPG Community Discord](https://discord.gg/CdM9UCJdwU) > >> [!discord|ttl-c] [Obsidian Official Discord](https://discord.gg/8AF29UBUCa) ## Initiative Tracker **Plugin Link:** [Initiative Tracker](obsidian://show-plugin?id=obsidian-5e-statblocks) **Official Documentation:** [Official Documentation](https://plugins.javalent.com/initiative-tracker) The Initiative Tracker plugin for **[Obsidian](https://obsidian.md/)** allows you to keep track of initiative and turn order during combat encounters in tabletop role-playing games. With this plugin, you can add creatures and NPCs to the initiative tracker, and track their health, armor class, and other stats. The plugin also calculates experience points for creatures, and supports both custom and SRD creatures from the [[Fantasy Statblocks]] plugin. ![[Obsidian_JUm8z9mMTh.gif]] ## Tutorials > [!example]- Official Plugin Documentation > [Official Plugin Documentation](https://plugins.javalent.com/initiative-tracker) > [!example]- Initiative Tracker > ![Initiative Tracker](https://youtu.be/yXBemgZWdr8) > [!example]- Managing Parties > ![Manage Parties](https://youtu.be/yOOEuWCXEFI) ## Supplementing Plugins [[Fantasy Statblocks]] and [Dice Roller](obsidian://show-plugin?id=obsidian-dice-roller) ## Character Configuration You need to set your party members up so that they work in the Initiative Tracker plugin. The plugin requires some basic information for each character in order to work. `Settings > Community Plugins > Initiative Tracker > Players > Click + > Complete the form` ![[Pasted image 20230713094825.png|400]] ### Setup To Pull From Notes Instead of manually configuring each player in the plugin settings you can also create a note for each player and then link the player to the note. Each player note should have the following [[Front Matter (YAML) and Tags|Front Matter]]. The player name will default to the notes name. ```` --- level: 7 hp: 65 ac: 20 modifier: 4 --- ```` ## Party Configuration Next you need to create a Party (or multiple parties perhaps) for your players to belong to. `Settings > Community Plugins > Initiative Tracker > Parties > Click + > Complete the form` You need to search for each player and then press the plus (+) button to save them to the party. Exit the form once everyone has been added. You should now set a party as the default. `Settings > Community Plugins > Initiative Tracker > Parties > Default Party > Select your Default Party` ## Encounters Encounters can be added to notes by adding in an encounter block. ````yaml ```encounter name: Encounter Name creatures: - 1: Goblin ``` ```` In preview mode this will look like this: ![[Pasted image 20230713093207.png]] You can click the Sword icon to begin a new encounter with these creatures or you can click the plus (+) button to add the creatures to the existing encounter. > [!danger]+ Party Members > Party members are configured in the [Initiative Tracker](obsidian://show-plugin?id=initiative-tracker) Plugin settings. I have these saved as Templates so that I can very quickly add the necessary syntax to a note when I want to use the plugin. In all cases the name of the monster needs to match the name of the Monster per your [[TTRPG Statblocks]] configuration. The name needs to be exact so type `Goblin` not `Goblins` for example. > [!info]- Insert Encounter > This is a basic template for adding a monster. Change the number of creatures and the name. The monster is also modified in this example to remind me that this is possible. > ![[Pasted image 20230713092551.png]] > > ````yaml > ```encounter > name: Example > creatures: > - 3: Goblin, 5, 15, 2, 25 # 1 goblin with HP: 7, AC: 15, MOD: 2 worth 25 XP will be added. > ``` > ```` > [!info]- Insert Encounter Table > This is a variation of the basic template for adding a monster. It changes the rendered encounter block into a table view which takes up less vertical screen space. Change the number of creatures and the name. The monster is also modified in this example to remind me that this is possible. > ![[Pasted image 20230713092735.png]] > > ````yaml > ```encounter-table > name: Example > creatures: > - 3: Goblin, 5, 15, 2, 25 # 1 goblin with HP: 7, AC: 15, MOD: 2 worth 25 XP will be added. > ``` > ```` > [!info]- Insert Multiple Encounters > This template add's 3x encounters next each other giving you choice of which encounter to run or you can add them at intervals perhaps. > ![[Pasted image 20230713092302.png]] > > ````yaml > ```encounter > name: Weak Party > creatures: > - 1: Thug > - 2: Goblin, 5, 15, 2, 25 # 1 goblin with HP: 7, AC: 15, MOD: 2 worth 25 XP will be added. > > --- > > name: Strong Party > creatures: > - 1: Thug > - 5: Bandit > > --- > > name: Very Strong Party > creatures: > - 2: Thug > - 4: Bandit > > ``` > ```` > [!info]- Insert Multiple Encounters Table > This template is the same as above except it renders the encounter block into a table which takes up less vertical screen space. > ![[Pasted image 20230713092902.png]] > > ````yaml > ```encounter-table > name: Weak Party > creatures: > - 1: Thug > - 2: Goblin, 5, 15, 2, 25 # 1 goblin with HP: 7, AC: 15, MOD: 2 worth 25 XP will be added. > > --- > > name: Strong Party > creatures: > - 1: Thug > - 5: Bandit > > --- > > name: Very Strong Party > creatures: > - 2: Thug > - 4: Bandit > > ``` > ```` > [!info]- Insert Inline Encounter > This is a basic template for adding a inline encounters. You could add these directly within your notes. Use the `encounter: #: Creature Name` syntax to add an inline encounters. > ![[Pasted image 20230713094205.png]] > > ````yaml > `encounter: 4: Kobold` > ```` > > You can add dice to randomly roll the number of creatures like this. > ````yaml > `encounter: 1d6: Kobold, 1d4: Winged Kobold` > ```` > [!info]- Insert Random Encounter Table > This is a basic template for adding a table of encounters than can be rolled on. The rollable dice requires the use of the [Dice Roller](obsidian://show-plugin?id=obsidian-dice-roller) plugin. Use the `encounter: #: Creature Name` syntax to add an inline encounter block to the table. > ![[Pasted image 20230713093807.png]] > > ````yaml > | **`dice: D6`** | **Encounter** | > | -------------- | -------------------------------------------- | > | 1 | `encounter: 4: Kobold` | > | 2 | `encounter: 1d6: Kobold, 1d4: Winged Kobold` | > | 3 | Do something else | > | 4 | | > | 5 | | > | 6 | | > ```` ### Encounter Builder There is an encounter builder included with the Initiative Tracker plugin. Check this video out to learn how to use it. ![](https://youtu.be/55kNaduWwVs)