> [!column|flex no-title] >> [!menu-dark-red|ttl-c] [[Obsidian TTRPG Tutorials]] / [[Plugin Tutorials]] / [[Dataview]] / [[Dataview - List Recently Modified Locations]] > [!column|4 no-title] >> [!menu-green-1|ttl-c] [[Getting Started]] > >> [!menu-green-2|ttl-c] [[Plugin Tutorials]] > >> [!menu-green-3|ttl-c] [[Community Supported Games]] > >> [!menu-green-4|ttl-c] [[Obsidian TTRPG Tutorials/Templates/Templates\|Templates]] > [!column|3 no-title] >> [!patreon|ttl-c] [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/JPlunkett) ([Starter Vault](https://www.patreon.com/posts/obsidian-patreon-96801399)) > >> [!discord|ttl-c] [Obsidian TTRPG Community Discord](https://discord.gg/CdM9UCJdwU) > >> [!discord|ttl-c] [Obsidian Official Discord](https://discord.gg/8AF29UBUCa) ## List the Recently Modified Locations This example can be placed in a note and will automatically generate a list of recently modified Locations. ![[Pasted image 20230708163717.png]] ### Concept I'm most likely going to have recently worked on the locations that are currently important to my players. Based on that assumption this could be useful to quickly see a list of those locations that I have recently worked on. ### Assumptions This specific code has a number of assumptions: - All of the notes have a specific frontmatter value (`WHERE (NoteIcon = "Settlement"`). You can of course change this and define your own field. - Each npc note has the following frontmatter (` type, Government, Community-Size, size, population`). You can change these fields to match the frontmatter in your own notes, add additional fields or remove fields. ````yaml --- NoteIcon: npc Gender: Race: Age: Location: AssociatedGroup: --- ```` > [!info]+ NoteIcon? > You may ask yourself why I have called this frontmatter NoteIcon as it does not quite match the use case of the field. I'm reusing an existing frontmatter field that already servers a different purpose. I use the [Supercharged Links](obsidian://show-plugin?id=supercharged-links-obsidian) plugin to make my links looks a bit snappier and since all of my Location notes contain this frontmatter it is perfect for also filtering on all of my Location notes. ````yaml ```dataview TABLE WITHOUT ID link(file.name) AS "Location Name", type, Government, Community-Size, size, population FROM "1. World" WHERE (NoteIcon = "Settlement") SORT file.mtime DESC LIMIT 10 ``` ````